Identity RenewalDOROSIWA2023
The symmetrical logo type expresses the pride of women who love themselves honestly by facing themselves, and emphasizes the soft curved beauty of the women's body by utilizing the streamlined typeface R and S.

Directing : Na Hana
Design : Park Pooqoon
 Products and videos : DOROSIWA
Graphics / Signage / ApplicationsZION2022
ZION is a multicultural coffee and burger space with a second location in Jong-ro. ZION is second project began with the idea of transforming an entire building, a former inn in Jongno-gu, into a multicultural space.
We noted that in the story of the American Roaring Twenties, there were community-based hotels and theaters that served as coffee houses, performances, and casual dining. We want to offer new experiences by reinterpreting the old ways of consuming culture.

Client : ZION
Design : Na Hana
Spatial Design : PANJI Studio
Photography : Kim Young Chul
LUCIRODA is a parenting brand that develops baby slings that both parents and children can wear comfortably. LUCIRODA believes that the comfort of the baby is important, but it is also important not to spoil the unique style of the parents who wear the baby sling. Therefore, the rebranding project was carried out to convey the message to parents around the world that they can raise their children sensibly while maintaining 'my own identity'.
    In line with LUCIRODA's philosophy, we created a new design system for strategy, verbal, visual identity, package, web, social and other touchpoints. The rebranded LUCIRODA will help parents focus on ‘parents themselves’ and create a sensuous lifestyle with their children.

Brand Directing : Na Hana
Brand strategy / Verbal & Visual Design : Na Hana, Choi Youngji
Motion Graphic : Jung Hoonho
Poster100 Films 100Posters2023
It is an event where ‘100 Films 100Posters’ are selected from among the films screened at the Jeonju International Film Festival and 100 graphic designers each create movie posters. During the festival, 100 movie posters will be displayed on the streets and galleries of Jeonju. Among the films at the 2023 Jeonju International Film Festival, I selected a movie called "LOST" and produced it as a poster.

Hosted : Jeonju International Film Festival
Organized : GRAPHIC
Web Exhibition : 100Films 100Posters
Film Director : KANG Dongin
Brandingnode archive2020
Branding for fashion brand ‘node archive’. The filled line, which means the past, and the dotted line, which means the present and the future, contain node archive own brand philosophy that talks at the interface that connects the times.

 Client : Kim Jinyoung
 Design & Directing : Na Hana
Photography : Jeong Chanwoong
Graphic / ApplicationsSouth Shore2022
South Shore has started in a small town by the sea called Namae in Yangyang. It is designed for the people with a lifestyle where they have ocean as a part of their daily life. Our company wishes to cohabit with a lot of people who has already seeped the power of nature and think highly of that power which can affect us in many different ways. Through the energy of the ocean, we will recognize the different aspects of life and produce products that naturally into our daily lives.

Client : South Shore
Design & Applications : Na Hana
Product & Logo : South Shore
Photography : Jeong Chanwoong
dVine is a beauty select shop where beauty creators with different colors plan and showcase their own products under the slogan: 'Create beauty through connection'. dVine's brand experience starts with defining what it means to be "dVine". Therefore, we would like to show dVine's philosophy that we want to convey to our customers.

 Client : DMIL
Brand Design & Directing : Na Hana
Design Assistant : Choi Youngji
Spatial Design & Photo : Plain Oddity
Package & GraphicSingleton : Work Off2021
The group 'Mobetterworks' experimenting with working methods made a package for 'Singleton'. The 'WORK OFF'package presents a time of 'OFF' to those who are tired of the repetitive daily routines going back and forth between work and home, or those who have blurred the line between work and rest due to long-term telecommuting. 

 Client : DIAGEO
Package, Identity, Graphic Design : Na Hana
Product Manager & Story : Gwon Jiwoo
Photography : LCC-Contents
DDAKG is a South Korean YouTuber. He makes goods using 3D printers and currently has 240,000 subscribers with interesting content. The character of "DDAKG" is made with the motif of an animal that has a similar Korean pronunciation. The attractive point of DDAKG which creates anything with hands, is a large hand with gloves.

Client : DDAKG
Brand Design : Na Hana